Saturday 9 August 2008

Kasane, Chobe, Ihaha (days 4, 5, 6, 7)

In Kasane, just before we got into the park, we saw 4 lionesses (2 eating a dead waterbuck) and one was sitting down and finished its food and the other was across the road just lying there.

These were the very first impalas we saw in our whole life. They were beautiful.

This is the road. Daddy took it. I don't know how to explain it. It looks horrible.

I look very big here. This is our first fire in Ihaha. Me, mommy and Mila are sitting by it. Daddy was taking the photo.

Sunrise in Ihaha, right nexto the river.
[[The two best campsites in Ihaha are CI10 and CI09.]]

Mila drinking from the tap at the back of the car.

We met a boy called Lion. He was from the campsite nexto us.

On the same day our Landy broke down so a man had to come and help us fix it. He gave us his car and he took ours.

This is me and Mila at our table drawing with a warthog behind Mila. At first she did not see it.

This is me and Mila - um, I don't know how to explain it.

Me, mommy and Mila’s crocs.

This is an orange billed yellow-billed hornbill.

Boring road picture.

These are the elephants we saw drinking from the river right nexto our camp.

Again, a giraffe.

This is Mila by the river in Ihaha.

Making supper at the fire in Ihaha.

Mila and her lion (called lyee) with some giraffes behind her.

My drawing of Babar and Celeste and Alex and Pom and Flora.

This is a picture of Mila weeing on the road and in the background are some elephants.

Some more elephants.


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